Tuesday 13 February 2018

reading activity

Trains that sound like dogs

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? The main group of people are from Japan but the main person is Asahi Shimbum

2. What was the key event from the news article? The key event is that trains that sound like dogs

3. Where did this event take place? This take place in Japan

4. When did this event take place? This event happened at february 2nd 2018
1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article? Ashai Shimbum said that ‘the system tested a three-second recording of a deer and 20 seconds of a barking dog from a running train car during its evening run, when deer are typically seen on the tracks.’

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.  A train that sound like dogs will be invented in the future. Ashai Shimbum was the person who figured out this dog train. He even said that ‘the system tested a three-second recording of a deer and 20 seconds of a barking dog from a running train car during its evening run, when deer are typically seen on the tracks.’

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place. This was made in Japan, Japan is  connected with south korea and one of the most popular country ever!

4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future. In the future a dog train will be invented

5. Explain in your own words why this event took place. this event took place because it’s part of the future.

6. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article.
  1. collision:to go or through a place
  2. Hazardous: really risky
  3. Emit: to give forth or release.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Key Competencies

Key Competencies
(the capabilities required for living and lifelong learning)

Halsey Drive School
                    A = Almost Always
                                                               S = Sometimes
                                                          N = Not yet
1st half of the year
2nd half of the year
Managing Self

I am organised for the day
I am willing to try new things
I complete work to the best of my ability and show initiative
I begin work straight away, stay on task and work independently
I can set realistic goals and explain how to achieve them
I make sensible behaviour choices
I happily take part in all school activities
Relating to Others

I cooperate well with others when working
I treat others with respect
I am a good friend and role model - especially at break times
I show good manners and cooperate with others
Participating and Contributing

I share my ideas and opinions with others
I listen well to other people’s opinions
I take part in activities outside of the classroom

I ask relevant questions to deepen my knowledge
I reflect on my own learning and say what I need to learn next
Language Symbols and Texts

I use a range of IT to share my learning

Thursday 16 November 2017



The desert is humid place which has lots of animals and  take about ⅕ of the world. The cold desert is -40°C. Adaptation is a complex process. Adaptation means that to change. Adaptation can take thousands or millions of years to master.

The desert has very little water and it barely rains so it is very very valuable! In the day the cold desert is about -40°C and at night it is about -60°C. Antarctica is the biggest desert in the world! (cold desert)

The Penguin is a arctic animal that has a cold habitat. The  penguins actually push one penguin down to see if it dangerous or not. The penguin huddle in a big group so it gets warm. The penguins eat krill and fish.

To adapt animals it is very difficult.  It it hard to adapt in Antarctica but the penguins did the unbelievable they did. The antarctic is a hard place to adapt, why? Because the Arctic is really cold habitat to live.

Overall the desert is a cold place with little heat. The penguin adapt to the extreme cold temperature and find there food by swimming.
They adapt by their blubber. They also can go 15 mph under water.

To summarize the desert is a strange place. Do you think it is a strange place?

Sunday 10 September 2017


Walt: write a set of instructions for a recipe
Hot cool coffee
Ingredient:2 coffee beans, hot boiled water and 2 teaspoon of sugar.
Equipment: 1 teaspoon, 1 cup and 1 kettle

  1. Get the cup and put the beans in  and the sugar.
  2. take the kettle and boil the water inside
  3. next pour the water into the cup
  4. injoy tips nothing.

Sunday 3 September 2017

fairy tale

Three Little Wolves And The Pig

One dark stormy night 2 lightning bolts hit the three pigs and the wolf. The wolf splitted and the pigs merged. The weather stopped it was time when the pig got his revenge to the wolves.

One day the wolves found this black purple portal thing . “whats is this?” questioned the wolf charly. “I don’t know,” replied wolf charlie. “I am going threw this thing,” shouted wolf charlee. “Wait for us said Charly and Charlie at the same time. When the got threw charly said, “what’s wrong with you?” “No what’s wrong with you charly?” asked charlie and charlee. “ I think we are in a Minecraft world!” Screamed charly.

“I’m mining,” said carlie. “Than I will explore. Answered charly. “I guess I will get wood then,” replied charlee.Then they made a 3 story mansion.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Why strategies are used in math.

Why strategies are used in math.

I need help with some of the math questions! What can I do? Ask a friend? I can’t. It’s independent work. I know, I need a strategy that can help me! After using this strategy, all the maths questions became so much easier and it seems like these strategies can help me forever!

How are math strategies used? Math strategies are used to solve or simplify questions when solving maths questions. This is widely used by other peoples like mathematicians, teachers and even scientists. When I grow up I want to be a mathematician!

Strategy time.question: 9 divided 117. What should I use? I will use reversibility. But what kind of strategy is reversibility? It’s a strategy that reverses division into what? What do  you think it might be? If you guessed multipacation you are correct! So we switched it. Then it will be 9 multiplied by ? =117 so we times the a place value number so I chose 10 because 20 wouldn’t make sense. Because multiplied by 20 is 180. So 9 multiplied 10 is 90 then minus 90 with 117. It is 27 now find the answer for it. It is 3. Then add the 2 multiplied numbers which are 10 and 3. It is 13, that is reversibility. So with my strategies I now know that 9 divided by 117 is 17

Subtraction is so hard, what is 509-300? I don’t know, I know I need a strategy again. But what strategy this time? Hmm  I know this strategy will be rounding and compensating. So round the 509 into 510. then do 510-300=210. Now we need to -1 because we added one from the start. That is rounding and compensating.  So the answer is 202 (whisper) it is actually 209

Now you should've learnt lots of things about math from me. Now from my senses you will probably, probably come  across a really hard question you should use a strategy.

By william

Time 3:10